Review of Drunks

Drunks (1995)
Not Bad
29 August 2013
The title of the movie pretty much sums up it subject matter. At the same time, 'Drunks' is shown from the perspective of those persons who are trying to save themselves from alcoholism. It shows them talking about their problems and lives through an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Most of the film takes place in one night, and centers around one main character - Jim (Richard Lewis). His character is just about the only one we get to know deeply. In an act of desperate rebellion, he walks out of the AA meeting in order to get a drink (or maybe two, three, or four?).

The film juxtaposes Jim's desperate night out from one liquor store and bar to the next with the other reforming alcoholics talking during their meeting. As the night progresses, Richard Lewis gets more and more drunk, wasted, and out of control. He also begins to experiment with other drugs. Overall, this is not a bad film - it is mostly a character study. The stories the alcoholics have to tell are funny, tragic, and moving. Those who enjoy dialog movies will likely enjoy this film. Faye Dunaway also plays a small role in it.

I really liked the ending of the movie. It goes to show how so many alcoholics don't succeed in becoming sober and they are trapped in an endless and dangerous cycle. This cycle perhaps has no way out.
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