Beautiful People (I) (2008–2009)
What a lovely show
28 August 2013
I really enjoyed this show. Young Simon is vivacious and funny. His best friend is a great foil. The family and neighbors and classmates are all excellent characters. The '80s setting hits the right notes of nostalgia but is really used as a backdrop for a celebration of people. The musical and dance numbers that drop in here and there are really entertaining. The attention to details in mining the humor in the various situations says to me that this was a work of love by those involved. I came of age in the '80s and went through the Reagan Revolution and the beginnings of AIDS in Midwestern America and actually watched Boy George perform at a Stop Clause 28 rally in London in 1988. I really empathized with the older Simon in wishing his younger self could know that it was all going to be OK. Often with shows I like I watch them through as quickly as I can. This one, I spaced out so I could savor them as I saw them all for the first time.
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