Review of 25th Hour

25th Hour (2002)
25th Hour.. (2002)
27 August 2013
The movie tells the story of Monty Brogan(Edward Norton), a guy who is gonna serve a 7-year prison sentence and spends his last day of freedom getting together with his close friends and family. Monty is scared of what awaits him, and suspects his girlfriend (Rosario Dawson) of setting him up against the cops. The film, the first to be granted access to Ground Zero, got an excellent cast of actors in the likes of Phillip S. Hoffman & Norton along with Rosario Dawson Norton's girlfriend all gave outstanding performances. The story has no relationship with 9/11, except for being in New York, but Spike Lee smartly showcases the acting talent he's assembled encompassing situation of Manhattan post 9/11 with its healing/grieving underlying metaphor perfectly balanced with its protagonist's certain unsteady future. Don't miss the extraordinary sequences, like the big "fuck you" that Monty delivers in front of the mirror to everything he can't stand about NY, and the alternative moving finale… Plus, there is a very important sequence on the DVD, when the Russian mobsters discuss Monty's situation, that was deleted from the story.

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