Has a few redeeming values but overall a complete failure as a comedy horror
26 August 2013
The title was a give-away as to what to expect, which was potential guilty pleasure fun but not a masterpiece of film-making. So this wasn't the case of expectations being too high. The cast though seemed decent, which was the main reason for watching. There are three things that made Strippers vs. Werewolves more bearable than it was, a pulsating soundtrack that ranged from eerie to catchy, the hilarious Red Riding Hood-like scene and Sarah Douglas who is good value. The acting generally was a case of a decent cast on paper who act terribly on film. Very few bring life to their roles, even the soap-opera stars(though Ali Bastian is pretty, shame that she has little to work with) and Steven Berkoff and Robert Englund, who'd you'd expect to redeem things, are barely in it and have very little opportunity to shine as a result. As bad as the actors are it's not entirely their fault. Risible is the best way to describe the script, very childish- the worst of it is just cringe-worthy- and not always coherent either, and the characters suffer from lacking any kind of believability or development, so it's very difficult to root for them in any way. The story is also a mess and that's when there is one and when it doesn't feel like a badly done spoof(that probably was the intent but even at that Strippers vs. Werewolves does it badly). As a comedy and a horror Strippers vs. Werewolves fails at both, the comedy isn't funny and the horror is certainly not scary, if anything it's silly and laughably fake. There's also a lot of erotic-like elements that are done very awkwardly. Strippers vs. Werewolves is also one of those movies where you are not sure who it's aiming at, because adults will find it too childish and if a kid tried to watch it- and strictly speaking because of the age rating they shouldn't be in the first place- the content will fly right over their heads. Even teenagers may be puzzling over if the movie is for them or whether it has anything for them to maintain interest. Visually also it's an eyesore. The costumes and settings are basic as expected, while the atmosphere is too childishly and awkwardly conveyed to be creepy or seedy. The split-screen photography comes off worst, the technique is distracting and used far too much and the photography actually looks as though the camera-man was drunk which will make anybody feel sea-sick or nauseous. Strippers vs. Werewolves should also come with a warning for those suffering from epilepsy, not saying that something will happen but there is a risk(and to stop the risk of being insensitive I'm an epilepsy sufferer myself and did feel ill after watching). And the make-up and prosthetics look so awful and cheap, the werewolves actually look like giant rats. Overall, not as irredeemable as it's made out but what it seemed to be trying to do was done really badly. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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