Breaking Bad: Confessions (2013)
Season 5, Episode 11
Season 5B - Incredible - and an even more incredible episode at that.
26 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Beaking Bad ... There have been a few times I have been left in such awe from this show and tonight's episode has once again done just that. Season 5 episode 10 - Confessions has proved once again that this show is the pinnacle of drama and there is nothing out there that comes anywhere near surpassing it.

To re-cap - The episode starts off with a little showing of what's to come; with Todd giving Walt a phone message telling him there's been a little change in the way things are being done. Todd doesn't think Walt would really care and in my opinion I don't think he'd care either. Todd then talks with his uncle (the Nazi guys) who then continue their road trip back into New Mexico. It's a little unclear where this storyline is going to go but time will tell.

Meanwhile Hank tries to get Jesse to confess and give up Walter, Jesse is reluctant and Saul interrupts their interview. Hank realises that he is rapidly losing his case against Walt and needs someone to confess for it to be solid. The scene where the two of them are talking is well done from all aspects but notably the cinematography. The lighting, the dark room, black walls really showcases the dark abyss both these characters find themselves in.

The scene with them all at the Mexican outdoor restaurant couldn't help but make me smile as the contrast between what was going on at the table, the tension as opposed to what was going on in the background. Bright colours, loud music and people all sitting around having a great time. This self contained tension worked remarkably.

Then came the scene that had be clutching my hair and mouthing 'oh my god' - speechlessly. When Walt gives Hank his 'confession' tape only to find that it wasn't as much of a confession as it was an attempt to warn Hank off by threatening him. By stating in the tape that Hank made me do it. Your move Hank.

Walt tries to manipulate Jesse into leaving for good by making it seem like a great idea for Jesse to do so, however Jesse has had it with Walt's 'playing him' and demands Walt just tell him the truth. Tension is high as Walt slowly walks up to Jesse only to give him a hug. Despite that speech, Jesse still goes to skip town as his old cooking partner suggested. But when he realises the dope was pick pocketed just moments before he left, he connects the dots that Huel could have just as likely lifted the ricen from his jacket back in season 4.

Jesse looses it. Aaron Paul once again proves how great of an actor he really is; the raw emotions you see of his face when he's holding that gun to Sual Goodman's head is just impeccable. Saul then tells Jesse it was Walt who put him up to it and Jesse leaves. Sual calls Walt, forcing Walt to grab a gun he had been hiding, obviously from Skylar. However Skylar doesn't pick up on his unusual behaviour as she would assume he is on edge from the whole Hank ordeal.

Cut to: Jesse tearing into the White's driveway and pulling out a bottle of petrol. He then kicks down the door and starts to pour it everywhere screaming with fury.

The following has spoilers from the preview for next week:

Even though we didn't see Walt Jr's car out front, I think he will either be home as Jesse is doing this; or he comes home. The reason I say this is because we see the White's house intact. So Jesse obviously doesn't burn it down. My prediction is (Although this show is very unpredictably) Jesse will tell Walt Jr what a monster his father is and leave for another day.

All in all an amazing episode, a good 35 minutes of non-stop heart racing tension. And that ending literally had me yelling in my house for a good 15 minutes, not wanting to accept that the episode had finished.

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