Breaking Bad: Confessions (2013)
Season 5, Episode 11
An amazing episode!!!!!!!!
26 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"confessions" is ingenious, clever, intense, crazy and overall amazing which is why i felt compelled to write a review. The confession video was absolute brilliance and put a whole new twist on everything, basically putting the blame on hank as the person who was the head honcho. It puts hank in a position he has never felt before and this will only escalate in the episodes to come.

By far though my favorite bit about this episode is Jesse. He starts off very quiet, not saying much and just generally thinking. And then he goes crazy. His insanity is what makes him such a good actor and character, his ability to just turn on the insanity is what makes him a brilliant character. Overall it was probably my favorite episode of breaking bad ever and i hope there is more to come.
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