epilogue to the TV series that hits it's stride once on the island
25 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Hana Yori Dango Final, the movie (2008, Boys Over Flowers, the third chapter of the Boys Over Flowers Japanese trilogy) centers around testing our engaged rich boy Domyouji, and poor girl, Makino, to see if they have everlasting love. Our couple doesn't know they are being tested as they travel to Las Vegas, Hong Kong, and an Island, until the end. The F4 (Flower Four), 4 close friends that are sons of Japan's wealthiest, help the couple during their tests. This movie is a fitting epilogue to the TV series (Hana Yori Dango season 1 and Hana Yori Dango Returns season 2). Endure the first half of the movie and you'll get the payoff in the second half.

What I liked about Hana Yori Dango Final a) Domyouji (Jun Matsumoto) and Makino (Mao Inoue) get quality screen time as a couple. Sometimes in the TV series it seemed like the actual moments as a couple were limited. The last stop of their test, the island, was where they shone as a couple and their on-screen chemistry was excellent. b) Domyouji's character was mature and strong in this movie. I appreciated how his love for Makino was unwavering. d) Unconditional loyalty for each other is what F4 gives each other. Rui, Soujiroh, and Akira were supporting characters in this movie, but their friendship is the backbone of the entire series. e) I loved how Domyouji's evil mother turns out to be like the Grinch whose heart grew 2 sizes. She finally smiles and shows love, it was a pleasant surprise to see her be a positive force. f) Makino's parents also were supportive and I appreciated their willingness to make the hard choice to test the couple too. g) Wedding was perfect and showcased the couple's love and the F4 friendship. It was beautiful and touching ending to the series. h) the closing credits have a long-shot camera take of the season 1 ending airport scene, Makino finally declares her love Domyouj, one of my favorite moments of the series. I found it satisfying to end the movie with that pinnacle scene.

What I did not like a) Makino's hesitation that she and Domyouji could make it as a couple forever bugged me. Domyouji's love is unwavering. Makino's wavering belief was annoying. b) The first stop in Las Vegas was a bit ridiculous and I was glad to see them leave this location. c) the second stop, Hong Kong, was better than Las Vegas, but not riveting stuff.
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