Review of Fair Haven

Star Trek: Voyager: Fair Haven (2000)
Season 6, Episode 11
And did Those Feet in Ancient times...
24 August 2013
Walk upon england's mountains green? And was the holy Lamb of God, On England's pleasant pastures seen?


The number one rule of Hollywood is, they NEVER get details right, especially in TV shows. Also, Southern California Ain't Ireland or England. It wasn't in National Velvet and it wasn't in this Episode.

The problem with certain people groups is that they want depictions of their fine green and pleasant land to be exactly realistic. Sorry, nope: It ain't all about YOU. Besides, it's a Holo-Novel. And it ain't gonna be realistic even if filmed IN that locale. I thought this show was about Voyager and her crew and how they cope with Borg on one side and unknown aliens on the other. So, every single negative review of this episode is invalid. What is this, Lassie come Home?

I loved these Fairhaven Episodes, obviously they can't catch the exact look of the area, besides, it was an area that never existed even in the real Ireland. And Paris made it up, and he's as American as Apple Pie so if ya wanna blame someone, blame Tom Paris, it's always his fault anyway.

This episode and it's sequel "Spirit Folk" are nice diversions from the grim storyline being told on either side of it. And it shows that Janeway is human after all.

When I was watching the series while it was being broadcast I was hoping for more of these little escapades in Fairhaven. They collected quite a good array of character actors for the town people to populate the place, and they used them in 2 episodes. That was a feat. You see what makes these two Eps great are these town people. Who cares if their dialect is not right?

Dialects and accents in UK change from one town to the other, so no TV show has never gotten that right, ever. Movies? Sometimes they got it right. It's just the basic idea. You see, I don't care how they depict the USA in UK media, they always get US wrong too. The funniest thing to watch are the War-Movies of the 1940's made in UK, when they show 'American" characters, they flub it up beautifully. And it seems that the negative reviews all share that same tired complaint, "It ain't like Ireland" - So what and Who Cares.

It was this idea, that they were to run the town 24/7 so it was there all the time. When ya do that in any Holo Novel, of course the people will start developing into something other than Holodeck Characters. And Janeway had been Celibate for 6 years, so it was about time.
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