Not for the kiddies, nor for the adults or for anyone ...
23 August 2013
What's the vision here? I'm sorry I'm a little confused at what's going on & I need a medicentre to referr me to an optometrist. My retinas have been permanently damaged & I need help. Call me maybe at 308-641-222 if anyone has the slightest sympathy to care for someone in & I encourage those selfish-minded people to do something nice for once instead of continuing their satisfaction for eggos which is only a fake emotion, and give yourselves a true feeling of respect & help those who have less than you. And then maybe you all can understand our purpose in this world. Or just keep walking until your hate leads to the cellar of hell. You live the life you want, but if you continue to lead your life the way you are, I feel sorry for you because of your failure to understand & acknowledge life. Your legacy will be a tombstone that people will forever ignore because they are selfish from poor examples, & afraid of the nature of living. Because truly caring for someone is a sustaining emotion. One you'll want & need to have. Please... It's for the better of us...
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