Refreshing and genuine effort
14 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that is completely new and refreshing, almost experimental in nature. The director has painstakingly avoided prevalent stereotypes, cliché and set formula in the Malayalam film industry. The movie has a refreshing cast, and the director has not shied away from casting people who are almost unknown to the Malayalam movie industry. A clear example of this can be seen in the actor who played Kasi's father. Usually such a role will be given to Saikumar.

The plot also avoids stereotypes. It is not the father of Kasi, who creates trouble, it is his mother. At every juncture in the story, the director has avoided the easiest route. He could have added lots of action, in the scene where the goons enters the hostel, but the director chooses not to show a complete action sequence. Kasi itself is not a hero. It is not he that protects others, but others protect him. Nowhere in the movie does anyone go about yelling dialogues. There are no over the top acting. Even the occasional comical scenes of Suni are restrained. Dialogues sound as if they are natural conversations, and the director lets the scenes do all the talking. This is best explained in the complex relationship between Kasi and the girl. Their relationship is shown by the simple act of holding her hand, at Shyam's death. Tons of dialogue about motivating each other to continue the journey is replaced by an uncomplicated scene of gunning the throttle of the bike.

The movie asks a simple, straightforward question: Is destiny something that we make for ourselves? Or is it something predestined, something which can be achieved with the support of people that we meet, both friends and utter stranger, on the journey of our life. Having said, all this, let me say that this movie is not for all. It will be criticized for not having a thick plot. But, like a journey without a destination, this movie, I think, is deliberately left plot less. Those who keep on fast forwarding a video to see what happens towards the end will find the movie disappointing. There lies the beauty of the movie.

Like all path-breaking movies, it is bound to have to some hiccups. The story is not completely convincing. Who finances their journey? Surely, two fresh graduates cannot have the money to go all the way to Nagaland. The scene of Dulkar Salman standing his ground in front of the water cannon does not go well with the scene where he almost gets killed by naxalites or robbers. The journey itself is romanticized a bit too much, with clean wide roads, good climate, no dust, and all that.

Having said all this, the movie might itself in the near future, be a trend setter.
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