Breaking Bad: Blood Money (2013)
Season 5, Episode 9
Just flip a coin...
12 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Remember the first season of Breaking Bad and the good old Walt's quote "we can...just flip a coin"?

It is amazing how Vince Gilligan played with us in the last escene. He is indeed one of the best in his job out there in the entire TV industry.

Well, lets put it in this flipping logic:

1- Walt had the chance to not go to Hank's.

2- Hank had the chance to react just when Walt came to the garage.

3- Walt is leaving, he has the chance to go away, but he is feeling he has and advantage and decides to push Hank with the GPS question.

4- Hank could have said that he knew nothing about the GPS, but its too late, the coin just touched the floor...

(So randomly natural, just like flipping a coin. So great for a show that always surprise us. And its a coin with many, many faces...)
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