Sleep inducing drivel
12 August 2013
I admit I gave up on this half way through, but nothing I saw led me to believe it was about to get any better. The use of the 'tapes' may have been for 'realism' but they are so poor in quality it makes much of the film unwatchable.

This is supposed to be a horror film? Certainly there was nothing horrific in the first half. Films with such low production values need to pile on the blood and gore or spine-tingling thrills to get any sort of reaction, but this is just mildly unpleasant and utterly pointless.

I guess it's just another bunch of clueless amateurs jumping on the budget horror bandwagon, and failing miserably. How this averages a 6 is beyond me - there must be a lot of people with low expectations who don't watch many movies, because if they did have something to compare this with they would see how dreadful it is.
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