Stage Fright (1980)
Warning!! Warning!! Please do not mistake this for the 1987 Italian film, Stagefright!
11 August 2013
Stage fright AKA Nightmares is truly a nightmare, altogether not enjoyable with zero redeeming qualities!

I never submit a review with negative comments, rather the only reviews I've been compelled to submit were those of praise.. Today marks a change in my writing a review for Stagefright AKA Nightmares as I truly have not one iota of praise, nor even a sliver of a positive opinion about this film.

I am a hard core horror movie fan, one who does not thrive on gore, with blood and guts as a necessity to illicit enjoyment.. I am someone who thoroughly appreciates the entire genre of 70's/80's B-movie horror flicks..some of them even more than all of the entire new generation of horror movies put together..

This film however is purely and completely an utter waste of an hour and a half of my life that I'll never get back(and believe me I hate reading this repeated cliché in these movie reviews) but with this movie there just is no other way in how to go about accurately describing the waste of precious time from one's life that will be made should you so choose to watch this film.

I beg of you don't do it.. Don't waste your time on this movie..and please, please, please whatever you do, don't make the common, yet horrible mistake of thinking this movie is the 1987 Italian horror film, "Stagefright".. It is not, and is nothing remotely similar to the fine film of Stagefright 1987 directed by the great Dario Argento's star pupil, Soavi.

Run, run from this film as fast as you can..its a complete and total waste of your time...1/10
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