Unlike most everyone else here . . .
11 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
. . . I did NOT grow up in a house said to be built over Captain Kidd's treasure! The only digging done in our yard was when Dad had to dig up the grease trap or the tiles to the septic tank (it's amazing what kind of havoc the roots from willow trees can cause!). This particular pirate yarn from 1938, CAPTAIN KIDD'S TREASURE, is not quite was interesting as watching Dad did in our old yard. It's pretty much a foregone conclusion here that no treasure will be found, whereas my dad always dug up something. (In fact, in the really olden days, he even buried stuff, but it wasn't treasure. To save on trips to the dump, he'd inter anything which would not burn, such as cans and bottles. I'm thinking some of those old bottles might be worth more nowadays than anything ever dug up by folks searching for Kidd's loot; I can even send you a map for a reasonable professional fee.) About the only intriguing aspect of CAPTAIN KIDD'S TREASURE is what happens to the two pirates filling in a hole. Fortunately, Dad never faced such a fate.
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