Review of The Heat

The Heat (I) (2013)
Rude, Crude and Hilarious
10 August 2013
What are all you moaners bitching about? Seriously what did you expect? Yes it's foul mouthed! It made that perfectly clear on the trailer! I am not dumb, nor am I a junior high student as stated from another negative review. But I got exactly what I wanted! Rude, crude and hilarious laughs a plenty! Yes it's cheap, yes it's not particularly intelligent but it is very funny! And the screening I went to was sold out and the entire auditorium were laughing their asses off just like me! And that's why it's been a hit at the box office! So all you haters go crawl back under your rocks and get a sense of humour and stop rating this movie a 1 when it does exactly what it set out to do! Make you laugh!
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