10 August 2013
Emotions can be a tricky thing. And this movie is a prime example of that. Even more incredible if you consider the fact, with how little passion it is displayed, I guess to counter balance it. Obviously this will not have everyone yearning for it and will rightfully displease people too. It's hard to say, that you will be emotionally invested in the main character.

I actually think most will not. But that is another paradox of the movie, which makes it even more compelling to watch. The narrative wasn't that linear either and there is quite a lot of room for speculation or at least interpretation. You'll either like that or hate it of course. But you can't deny the movie having a strong core performance.

The two very different view points (up to this point) of the movie, that can be read here in the review section are testament to the fact, that the movie creates something that viewers react to (no matter their feelings about it).
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