In Harm's Way (1965)
Brought to you by Acme Soap
7 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Mostly a soap opera masquerading as a war film. Kirk Douglas' character is second billed and he dies as a hero right after he rapes a woman, and nothing is mentioned about it ever again except that the girl he raped commits suicide afterwards, yet Douglas continues to be respected by his Navy colleagues.

Not a standard action film and the melodramatic scenes are likely to put you to sleep. Wayne is his usual gruff self... too bad he wasn't given much to do except ride in a jeep from one location to another so he could stand around some more. Pretentiously directed by Otto Preminger. Somewhat peculiar casting, primarily by Hollywood's better known faces (Burgess Meredith, Carroll O'Conner, etc.).

Could have been a more exciting film with a better script and a lot less bugle oil about who's dating who.
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