The Dark (1993)
Fun Monster Movie
6 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There is a huge prehistoric beast that moves from graveyard to graveyard creating tunnels underneath and eating the bodies of the dead. Two different people have tracked it to a certain graveyard but their motivations are completely different. Hunter (McHattie) is a scientist who wants to study the beast for medical cures, while and ex-FBI man named Paul (James) wants revenge for the killing of his partner. Two gravediggers from the cemetery named Ed (Jaimz Woolvett) and Jake (O'Connor) join forces with Hunter and his girlfriend Tracy (Belliveau) to capture the beast before Paul can fill it full of holes. Admittedly Robert Cooper's script sounds pretty dumb but this doesn't get in the way of a pretty fun monster movie anyway. The actors take to their characters and become believable even though the plot is far fetched. Director Craig Pryce smartly uses dark humor as well but never allows this to get stupid as it easily could have. The two gravediggers steal scenes and are very likable and credit should be given to the actors. The movie has an amusing charm to it and rolls along nicely at a good pace. Pryce makes good use of the dark tunnels and the movie has some tense moments and a few scares sprinkled in with the fun. The production values are solid and the lighting and direction is slick. The creature itself is a bit of a let down once you see it, but is effective in the shadows most of the time. A young Neve Campbell has the role of a deputy. The movie has no right being as good as it is, but this is a fun entertaining horror action film that will surprise you anyway.
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