Set sail for fun.
3 August 2013
The sixth Carry On caper, and the second to be filmed in colour, Carry On Cruising takes place aboard the S.S. Happy Wanderer, a British cruise-ship sailing the Mediterranean, experienced seafarer Captain Wellington Crowther (Sid James) at its helm. With several new crew-members, none of whom seem particularly capable, the captain is naturally concerned about the smooth running of his vessel, but despite a journey full of crazy mishaps, he eventually learns to trust and respect his eccentric shipmates.

Much tamer than the later films, Cruising sails smoothly through the family friendly comedy with only a handful of relatively tame double entendres to gently rock the boat. The majority of the gags revolve around people getting drunk, the romantic endeavours of ship's doctor Arthur Binn (Kenneth Connor) and passenger Flo Castle (Dilys Laye), and the receiving of injections in the butt for seasick cook Wilfred Haines (Lance Percival); but even though this one lacks the ribald humour and general sauciness that the series is famed for—and is missing some key members of the Carry On team (Joan Sims, Hattie Jacques, Charles Hawtree)—it does possess a quaint, easygoing charm that should still make for fun viewing, especially for avid fans of the series.

6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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