It's a beastly beast.
29 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I judged this film in the past, but after just watching it again, I must say it is awesome. There are very little complaints to be had, in a matter of fact, there is nothing I find bad about it. Even with all the comedic effects in the final fight, it just adds to the enjoyment factor, because you can laugh at the goofy-ness.

I really like the time line this film has, it's great to see recreated footage of the first film. I don't know why, but I really like how Godzilla was portrayed in this. He wasn't random, like he was every other film. He only came up to destroy stuff when he sensed radiation or plasma. If anything, the humans are more aggressive than Godzilla. He's just chilling out in the middle of the ocean, and uh-oh, there's the humans. Out of all the films, this one you could make a commentary out of what he was thinking. It's funny how humans release a meganula because of their dimension tide machine. I want to know what's on the other side of the black hole, there's a lot of possibilities. Anyway, some dumb ass kid picks up it's egg, and brings it with him to Tokyo. And he just ends up dumping it into the sewers, because he had super human strength to lift up the man hole. So it hatches, it eats some people, and now there is about a thousand of them. When they swarm Godzilla, it reminds me of mosquito's swarming me when ever I go out side. The final set looks great, the fight is pretty good, their was a lot of funny moments. So Godzilla saves humanity from being over run by a Mega-whatever you call it-guirus threat. And how do they repay him, well trying to suck him up into a black hole. And there's also the plot about stupid humans being the only reason Godzilla keeps entering Japanese soil, instead of just chilling out in the ocean. But luckily for Godzilla, the dimension tide failed, and he still walks free. The ending was very well done, it puts a big smile on your face that Godzilla is truly unstoppable. And I should mention that the music is very good.

So looking back, this film was one the most well done in the series, it just feels great to watch and it's a lot of fun.
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