Review of Try

The Killing: Try (2013)
Season 3, Episode 8
Painful, boring, nothing much happens
28 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Just watch the first episode, and then the last. Maybe the first 5 minutes of each show (after the 5 minute recap and intro), then the last few minutes. That's the most you need. The rest is filler and depressing, semi-pointless stuff. I think as a little joke to myself I'll just never watch the last episode of this season. Ha ha producers! I truly just don't care what happens! WHO CARES ABOUT THE KILLER! This last show had like 45 minutes of talking on the phone in the prison. It is so obvious that they ran out of stuff to do in the show. Seriously, some cop shows go on for 20 years and this one can't even come up with enough story to fill a few hours. Most the episodes have been boring crap. Thank god for the fast forward button. It seems like the writers have given up, maybe I should too.
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