Beware the Batman (2013–2014)
Same old stuff...
27 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Just saw episode three and need to say a few things

So the producers of this show have said many times that they don't want to repeat anything from previous Batman shows. However, if you watch this episode 'Tests' (and if you have a working brain), you will realize that the villain's plot with the two gondolas was exactly the same as Joker's plot with the two ships in 'The Dark Knihgt', AND Riddler's plot from 'Batman Forever' when Bats had to choose between saving Robin or Dr Nicole Kidman.

Basically, Batman has to find a way to save everyone, even though it looks like he is forced to make an impossible choice. That's it. Very original.

Also, this episode could have been great for the Joker to be in. The whole plot screams JOKER. This new bad guy, Anarky, is being set up as the master of chaos - the opposite of Batman. But we all know that the real master of chaos is the Joker!

So basically, the producers decided to replace the Joker with this lame stupid new character who is just a pale shadow of the Joker, because they didn't want to use familiar characters. How brilliant and innovative. Not.
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