Trilogy of Terror (1975 TV Movie)
Three Stories? I Just Remembered One
26 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I will always remember my very first experience with Trilogy of Terror. I couldn't have been more than 5-6 years old when I first saw this and I will never, ever forget…the Zuni doll segment.

Even though I did watch them, the first two chapters of this made-for-TV, horror anthology collection completely left my memory. Probably because they were more adult suspense and I wasn't even in my double digits yet. But that horrible, scary, terrorizing, little doll….that's stuck with me since.

And now, watching as an adult, I can finally comment on the movie as a whole.

Chapter 1 – Teacher/Student Fatal Attraction…or: "Julie" was actually well done. I did NOT see the twist coming and loved it when it did.

Chapter 2 – Twisted Sisters…or: "Millicent and Therese" was actually a bore. I DID see the twist coming and it felt very long despite the short runtime.

Chapter 3 – Preying for Mother…or: "Amelia" was…well, forget the rest. THIS is what everyone wants to see.

In fact, I will just by pass the others and continue my review with Amelia Cutheart.

There's a fairly big difference in both watching this as child (and/or in the mid-1970s when it was televised) and as an adult in 2013. Thinking today, sure the special effects, namely, the handling of the doll as it "ran," looks cheesy. But, I believe it's still highly effective. And not all FX was bad in it – her teeth and the suitcase cut out…looked great.

Basically, Amelia's not too familiar with her newly subleased apartment and is trying to cancel her "Mom's Night In" in lieu of her new boyfriend's birthday party. Of course, all that's incidental to the Zuni doll she purchased as a birthday present. He comes alive and is viciously upset with anyone alive around him. He would make Chucky look PG.

Mr. Zuni chases Amelia around the apartment where she cleverly attempts to stop/capture said possessed doll. Putting yourself in her slippers, it's an enormously scary, thrilling attack that has an original and absolutely creepy ending that will stick with you.

As it did me.
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