Here Comes Honey Boo Boo (2012–2017)
Trash Is All You Can Say!
22 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Like one reviewer says that this show is really trash. Well it goes beyond that. As it exploits this child and that it shows people that are from the South, that they are nothing but dumb.

I live in the South as we are anything BUT that! As it makes us Southerners feel really crappy about this show. As hope that the boycott the show.

The parents in particular the mom on the show. As Honey Boo Book has sisters that have different dads. As a couple of them are deadbeat criminals. If that is not low class, do not know what is then!

Who would ever want to watch this show despite being "popular." TLC has good shows but this IS NOT one of them at all. As in a sense, the show is really offensive. Not just to Southerners but to children that are exploited for their parents personal gain.

Skip this show please!
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