Pacific Rim (2013)
Get ready to become a 11 year old again
17 July 2013
Pacific Rim is a movie that could possibly lower your IQ as well as anger people expecting the next Pan's Labryinth from Guillermo Del Toro. However it's an entertaining film that hasn't been the disappointment that some of the other blockbusters have been this year. Pacific Rim is essentially a mixture of Transformers, Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots and Godzilla movies. The basic plot for the movie is that giant monsters called Kaiju have come from another dimension deep in the earth's core. As a result humans build giant robots called Jaegers to stop the Kaiju attack. As you can see the story is paper thin with very little character development or background to the film. It is also filled with clichéd characters and more action than Transformers or the Avengers had. If you can get past this you will be transported to the mind of a 11 year old excited at the prospect of seeing giant robots and aliens fighting it out. The action and the CGI are the main reasons and the best parts about the movie. There isn't a lot of shaky cam in the fight sequences which is a good thing. The CGI is incredibly detailed with you actually seeing parts of the Jaegar's body flying off its body. The Kaiju also look very realistic. Despite the weak character development the actors do a good job with what they're giving. Charlie Hunnam(from Sons of Anarchy) and Rinko Kikuchi do a fine job as our main hero's. Charlie Day( from It's always Sunny in Philadelphia) and Burn Gorman do good jobs as the comedic relief for the movie. Ron Perlman and Idris Elba are the two stand out performances just because these two guys are the biggest bad asses in the whole of the movie( with the exception of the giant robots. Overall the movie is good despite its weak character development and paper thin story. It makes you feel like an 11 year old again and it will probably be the most entertaining action film of the whole summer.
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