Zack and Reba (1998)
Foolish and aimless
12 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Filmmaker 1: Let's take a cast of talented performers, why not a Hollywood legend too-make sure to stick a fright wig on her and make her character ridiculous, and stick them in an aimless, foolish and pointless story that we'll say is about recovering from a great loss but has so little direction that no one will actually care what it's about and then end it in the most tasteless manner possible.

Filmmaker 2: You don't have to it's already been done in Zack & Reba!

Most of the characters act in a totally unnatural and unconvincing way. The players are all too gifted for them to be blamed since they try their best to make something from the dross they're handed but they can only do so much. Terrible movie.
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