Well; that was weird!
9 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Set during the Civil War this film opens with protagonist Whitehead fleeing from a battle; he emerges through a hedge and finds himself with three other deserters. One of them claims to know of a nearby alehouse so the set off across the field together. Soon the noise of battle ceases and they find a man called O'Neil in the field. It turns out that he is the man Whitehead had been sent to capture but it is soon Whitehead and his companions who are captives of the man who forces them to dig for a treasure he believes in buried in the field.

That may be the basic plot outline but it doesn't begin to explain just how weird this film is; and to be honest I'm still not sure if it was 'good weird' or 'bad weird'; I have a feeling that if I were to watch it again it is just as likely that I'd think it was brilliant as I'd think it was terrible… as it stands I thought it was interesting and I'm glad that I watched it. I liked the fact that no time was wasted explaining the protagonists situation this, along with the way it was shot added to the strange feeling. There were definitely some strange things going on; the way they found O'Neil was particularly strange as was the fact that characters who appeared to die later returned! Whether this was due to the mushrooms they consumed or due to something supernatural I wouldn't hazard to guess. Despite this strangeness it felt real in some ways; the costumes and the general look of the cast made it believable that they probably hadn't washed for days and that wasn't anything unusual for most of them!

Overall I'd say this is worth watching but expect to wonder what you just saw when it is over. I'd also recommend watching it in the dark… I watched it on a bright afternoon and felt that there was a level of creepiness I was missing because of the excess light.
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