Weekender (2011)
6 July 2013
This film is terrible, anyone that was into the house scene in 1990 will agree. The music is wrong, the fashion is wrong. In fact everything is wrong. There is such a niche to do a film about this era , and some Muppet like Chris Coghill gets the chance and makes a mockery out of it. Someone who lived the scene needs to make a film about this and it could be low budget and be massive(just like it was, no glamour just for the love of the music and scene) Also where was the 20 inch bottom jeans and hooded psychedelic tops we all wore. Eastern block, Afflecks Palace, Spin inn records, konspiracy Club? Not going to mention the hacienda because I think Chris has read a book about the hac and tried to make a film. losers.
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