Trashy Comedy Horror That Only Really Works As Trash
6 July 2013
Britain leads the world when it comes to tongue in cheek horror SHAUN OF THE DEAD started a sub-genre of comedy horror movies both sides of the Atlantic , one of which was STRIPPERS VS WEREWOLVES , a horror comedy done with a nod to Guy Ritchie and a film that made £38 on the first week of its release

£38 !!! Let me see now if my arithmetic is right then even one cinema showing this in the entire United Kingdom only received a grand total of between four to eight paying patrons ! Surely this must be either some mistake or some type of record . Surely no film can be bad enough to receive such low box office ?

To be blunt STRIPPERS VS WEREWOLVES is trash comedy horror but didn't we know that from the title ? In its defence it does contain a lot of well known faces from British soap operas and it does have a mentalist plot featuring a gang of werewolves on a revenge mission against a group of strippers who killed one of their number in a club . This is the type of movie that will win Movie Of The Month in FHM

In its ambition to fuse comedy , horror and Guy Ritchie it fails to do any of them justice and the story meanders all over the place , so much so that one thinks the title is merely to remind the audience of what the story is about . There's also a very irritating technique of using split screen by director Johnathan Glenedening which doesn't work and shows that there's only one Guy Ritchie
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