Review of Iron Doors

Iron Doors (2010)
Interesting little indie film.
5 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I went into 'Iron Doors' with no expectations whatsoever. Aside from reading a blip on a review site about how this film was actually sort of interesting. I tend to agree with at least half of the reviews on the site, so I figured I would give it a go. I'm also a sucker for Cube, and it sounded like it would be in the same realm.

You all know the story, so I'm not going to repeat it or spoil it. Iron Doors, is about a dude stuck in a room with an iron door. This turns into multiple rooms with iron doors and the main character trying to figure out how to get the heck out of dodge.

He goes through everything I expected he would go through *aka: drinking urine, eating maggots, etc*. You do what you got to do to survive. This escalates to him finding a key in a lamp, to opening a locker, to finding a blowtorch and a chisel. He eventually gets into another room (by chiseling his way through a wall)and meets an African American lady who speaks German or Zimbabwe or such. I eventually got the point though...the director is trying to tell us something morally. These two characters eventually get together based off of survival. It doesn't matter if they are black/white...speak English or another language...they have a connection now.

They both recognize it and end up having sex as the main character is basically on his death bed. Then...after she hydrates him with her tears..they figure out a trick about the iron doors, finally...and they keep moving through more rooms. I don't want to go past the explanation of the actual plot here, but there is an ending. It was foreshadowed...and it actually makes sense if you think about it. I was pretty much expecting it and that's why the rating got dragged down to a 7. I'm much more kind to indie films because they are usually doing something different. I don't want to watch Fast & the Furious 64, and if you are the same as me, you will enjoy this treat. Just don't go expecting The Prestige, and you will come out pleasantly surprised.
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