A candid treatment of serious themes.
4 July 2013
This movie is about taking responsibility for one's actions, no matter how reprehensible. A man whose reputation is seemingly beyond reproach in fact has been harboring two secrets from the distant past, both of which suggest a darker and more sinister side of his personality. In a way, this movie is almost like a contemporary version of The Picture of Dorian Grey. On the surface, everything seems well, but that's merely a sham covering up a spiritual ugliness that sooner or later will be revealed. The presents the story in a forthright manner and is well-acted. The movie's principal character did a really rotten and hurtful thing and has been living a lie. How he resolves these issues is what this movie is about. The movie deals with these issues candidly and effectively, without bombarding the audience with pretentious and superfluous platitudes. Instead, the movie tells the story and leaves it to the audience to judge as to whether the man is worthy of forgiveness and respect.
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