Picture This (2008 TV Movie)
Good movie. Great moral of the story.
3 July 2013
The parts that ring very, very true make the badly acted bits worthwhile. It's a good twist on the classic Cinderella story with a great message behind it that all parents struggle with--once you've raised your kids properly, at some stage, you have to let go, and often that can avert a lot of the bad behavior from kids acting out.

Loved it, but would have been better if they cast different actors and moved away from the signature Disney Channel-style overacting. Ashley Tisdale's maturity really shines in the scenes between her character and her character's dad (Pollak). I liked that Robbie's character was the sweet, gentlemanly jock from beginning to end, but I wish there had been more of an explanation about why he was with Lisa (Busby) to begin with -- was it because they were expected to be together as top jock and "alpha blond" of the school, did she somehow coerce him, was it because you're expected to have a boy-/girlfriend in high school and Lisa just happened to be the most likely candidate in his social circle?

Also, more specific references to Camelot vs Nottingham would have been nice. It was a good idea that was kind of explained in the beginning, but they just seemed like labels slapped onto the Haves and Have-nots with no particular reason that tied into the rest of the movie.

Overall good, and maybe I'm expecting too much from an hour-and-a-half long TV movie, but I'd love to see a proper remake/sequel.
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