A really dumb comedy that I thought was very funny. If you like smart comedy & intelligent jokes then avoid this. I say B+
30 June 2013
"The people who went to church and prayed and missed out on a lot of fun stuff got sucked straight to heaven. The rest of us, well we're screwed." While out bowling one night Lindsey (Kendrick) and her boyfriend Ben witness the rapture. When they get home they find out that both their moms have been taken while their fathers are still here. Trying to move on with their lives they start a food cart. When that doesn't work they take a job with the anti-Christ (Robinson), but with a hidden agenda. This is a movie I was excited about mainly because of the cast. I have to say that I thought this was very funny and I laughed throughout the whole movie, but it is my kind of humor. Mainly a lot of random things happening and some really stupid jokes that make me laugh like a man getting killed by a huge flaming rock and the wife mad because he was holding the eggs when he died. If that kind of humor appeals to you then watch this and laugh. If you are into more intelligent humor then you may not like this. Overall, a stupid movie that I thought was very funny and I laughed a lot. I give it a B+.
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