This rocks
29 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Elaine Hurt plays a cutie named Kate, her glasses help to disguise her cuteness. She is looking for a boyfriend but can not seem to find the right one. The whole movie changes when she is accidentally bitten by a vampire that is pushed into her when he is just trying to kiss her, not a bite. Her friends find out and try to help. Her male friends relate it to a video game in their heads but she has a girl friend who tries to keep it real. Then all the friends get together and try to find an actual cure for her problem. The vampire that bit her is not a bad guy, he doesn't kill anyone and sacrifices himself to turn Hurt back to a human. All in all this movie was a lot better than I thought it would be when I recorded it. This movie is not that serious and therefore it is funny with some nice looking female leads. I actually enjoyed it very much.
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