The Wee Man (2013)
Wow! Shocked!
28 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I always refused to read ferris's book as I know him to be a complete liar and a bully! But knowing a family member was going to be represented in this film (Arthur Thompson Sr) I had to give it a watch. now i feel compelled to speak on his behalf as he and Rita rip are no longer with us, and oh my god! the story is completely fabricated and I mean completely! For a start my uncle Arthur was never convicted of a single murder yet according to this "true story" ferris saw him shoot someone point blank when he was young, sorry but how can u say he did this without evidence it's slander! Doesn't surprise me as ferris always wanted to be like Arthur! It's like the film swapped there personalities! Arthur was a gentleman and a business man, not a bloody no mark! Ferris never met Maggie!! Never mind help out with revenge! And Rita was a lovely woman not this bitter twisted character they have portrayed! Prime example 1966 was when poor mags died, ferris was 3!!!!!! Right from the start is a fabrication, the whole banks brothers stuff is all rubbish it was the welsh family! They were responsible for Maggie's death keep in mind ferris is 3 years old at this point! Also ferris had to go to that house because he was seen in front of witnesses killing a man and his dog!!! And fat boy while a relative of sorts is portrayed well to a degree, I know he's dead but like I say this film is so off the mark, he was a heroin addict not coke?! And Arthur didn't die in a pub bless him he died at home! The man had a heart of gold n yes maybe he did things he shouldn't have but it was always in retaliation n they were always in the business no civilians! Ever! I just don't understand how they can base it in a "true story" when they've added 30 years to ferris life just to get him included in events he had no part in to make him look Gd! The film itself isn't too bad but is no way a true story, no way!!!
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