Elegance in Simplicity
22 June 2013
Most people reading this will have seen Jour de Fête already. L'École des Facteurs is better. In all arts I find paring the subject down its essentials makes a greater impact on the viewer or listener. Whereas Jour de Fête is a nostalgic look at a fading France, L'École is all action of character and his foils. Few moments are left for the foils (or victims) to react, not a moment is wasted. It is a series of sketches seamlessly stitched together into a hilarious narrative- not an easy feat.

But I am of the television generation, to whom 22 minutes makes an hour. I want my entertainment to get down to business, which may explain why I prefer the short format.

Eh bien, vous avez besoin de quelque chose de plus? (What more do you need?)
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