Lethal Weapon (1987)
More entertaining than, but almost as dated as me
22 June 2013
I'll have to be careful what I put for the first Lethal Weapon; it's one of my daughter's favourite films and when younger she used to have a crush on Mel Gibson. So, it was a marvellous, even classic film.

But what of the flimsy plot? Black and white cops up against ex-army heroin smugglers, interspersed by shedloads of comedy. How about the slapstick acting caricaturing the police force of the time, to be sure an ancient time when officers went about shouting Yipikaye to the baddies as they killed them unmercifully. The schmaltzy family scenes in contrast to the vigilante attitudes? No matter how laughable this always was or how dated it's getting it was always prime entertainment and a great way to spend two hours. Like Die Hard it was a deliberate and laudable propaganda attempt to get black and white people to understand together and to work for their common good together. Like Die Hard it had Christmas violence and baddies beyond the pale, in fact albino – baddies who only deserved to be terminated.

It portrayed a brilliant fantasy world where Health & Safety or police protocols played no part, along with mobile phones, the internet and without the cgi cartoonery that's taken over movies in the last 20 years. There seemed to be plenty of time to enjoy nonsensical action films such as this back then. But I loved it again tonight and am already looking forward to the next time to check how much more dated it will have become.
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