Backyard Dogs (2000 Video)
What In The World Did I Just Watch?
22 June 2013
Seriously, I have to give this thing at least ONE star?.....OK, anyhow I just watched this on Netflix. Yeah, I made it through the whole thing. I think I deserve a medal of some sort for doing so. This movie was absolutely atrocious...Terrible acting, terrible story, terrible rap-metal soundtrack. I'm a big fan of pro wrestling, and I cannot defend the making of this movie in any possible way. How much did they spend making this abomination? I'd say $50 to $50.99 is a pretty good guess. Bree Turner is a pretty hot number, but come on. A hot actress will not detract from the point if you make a movie that looks like dog crap captured on film. And yes, dog crap does play a significant role in this movie. I am not kidding....
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