This IS a documentary
19 June 2013
Unfortunately, there are other "reviews" on this site that are simply nothing more than closed minded individuals attacking a documentary about subject matter that they don't like or fully understand. It's beyond ironic and exceptionally sad that so much of this documentary is about how people have been attacking a play rather than actually watching it and seeing what the message of the piece is, and now the film's rating on this site are being subjected to the same type of closed minded bigotry the play received. This is a movie (that yes, I have actually seen at Q-Fest in St. Louis) about people who came together under less than open circumstances to perform a simple play, and the journey, both physical and spiritual, that they went through from the initial performance through an extended, multi-country tour. The play, also titled "Corpus Christi" (the play itself is referenced and some of it's performances are show in small parts, but the entire play is not shown), has long been a lightening rod for discrimination by certain people, and that obviously impacts the company who tours to produce it, but, in many ways, this film is about the opposite of that- this film does not, in any way, try to vilify any groups or faiths that are protesting the piece. Protesters are interviewed, but treated with the respect that any documentarian who is interested in showing the entirety of their subject matter would show. There is very much an agenda with this film, but it is simply to show the path of the subjects- their individual stories, perspectives, and struggles. At no point do the film makers say that their play is the "right" version of events, or that the people who dislike it are "wrong". They fully understand that their purpose, as documentarians, is to show, not tell, and that's all this film does, and does well, through many interviews with cast, crew, audience members, and the individuals, primarily religious leaders, who brought the play into their communities to be see, as well as it's protesters. This film is about individuals' growth, and any review claiming it's disrespectful or denouncing the subject matter of the film is from a place of ignorance of the simple facts about what this film is.
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