Razzie Fodder, or: Better Than Myra Breckenridge but Not By Much
19 June 2013
Easily characterized as one of the films I would have gone to see on a Friday night date at the drive-in theater as I (and my date) had no intention of watching the film. Where can I start? Every aspect of this film fails. The screenplay and underlying plot is weak, the script is terrible (loaded with badly worn clichés), the acting is horrid with the direction (or lack thereof) as much to blame as the mediocre performances from actors that should have done better. The fight scenes do not appear to have been choreographed. The cinematography is, at best, pedestrian. Didn't check the credits, but for the sake of the production designer's career, I hope he demanded it go uncredited.

Not much about this film is remotely credible. It's purely a vehicle for barroom brawling fistfights, gunfights, car chases and explosions . . . and not much of one at that.

Bottom Line: Vigilante Force is Razzie fodder. Too bad this film was released in 1976, four years before the Golden Raspberry Award was created (1980). Could have swept the awards.
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