All the Kind Strangers (1974 TV Movie)
A wonderful example of how a wonderful film can be completely ruined by a horrid ending.
19 June 2013
"All the Kind Strangers" is a very frustrating film. That's because it has a wonderful idea for a story and it really hooked me—only to be undone was an awful and utterly ridiculous ending. The story begins with a man (Stacy Keach) picking up a kid who is walking down the road. The kid says he's walking home from the grocery store and only has a few more miles to go—so he takes the kid. However, the place ends up being in the middle of nowhere—way off the beaten track. Things get a bit weird, however, when the kid invites him to stay for dinner—and the family, such as it is, isn't about to take no for an answer. In fact, when he tries to leave, his car won't start and so he's forced to stay. Then he slowly begins to realize just how dangerous his situation is. The 'mother' (Samantha Egger) is not the children's mother—just a lady they kidnapped and force to take care of the seven kids. And, he soon realizes that they aren't about to let him go either…he's now 'dad'! It gets a lot creepier—especially when the pair realize what's probably happened to all their other 'parents'—parents who didn't make the grade and who tried to escape!

The idea is simple and wonderful—and a bit like a combination of "Deliverance" and "The Waltons"!! I loved the sick and creepy mood. So why do I only give it a 4 (which is being generous)---because the ending is a complete cop-out. It makes no sense at all and is a sticky 'feel good' ending—the sort of ending that is 100% inappropriate for a horror film! Aside from the ending, it might have earned an 8—the end was THAT bad! Too bad—I really wanted to love this film.

By the way, two of the kids are played by John Savage and Robbie Benson.
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