Man of Steel (2013)
Good, but not great. Should have been better for all the reasons others have said.
18 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Snyder was a good choice for the last half of the movie, but a terrible choice for the first.

The flashback narrative was a poor choice. It left me not giving a s--- about why Clark acts as he does.

And for a $200M movie, they could have bought some stabilizers for cameras. Please please please stop it with the shaky-cam films. Nobody believes it's home footage. Nobody.

Speaking of cinematography, so many quick-zooms in all of the space scenes left me thinking this was a Battlestar Galactica movie. Once or twice may have been fine, but I had to stop and think why that style looked so familiar.

Also, too many fight scenes go for the close-up one-on-one shots. Somebody needs to teach snyder about medium shots.

As for the story. Didn't really care what happened. I felt no connection to Clark Kent/Superman.

When Glen Ford died in the 78 version, it was a touching moment that Clark realizes that even with all his abilities he can't save everyone. But Costner's death just seems so pointless, and a stupid decision on his part to insist on getting the dog when Clark could have easily done it and not necessarily given himself away (because, like, there wouldn't already been rumors after that school bus incident).

I'm left thinking that Pa Kent deserves a Darwin award.

So many people killed and so much destruction. But everyone seems to be back to work as normal the next day. At least this is covered in The Avengers, even if they also didn't mention the many thousands who were probably killed.

The Christ symbolism when Holo-Jor-El tells him that "he will be their savior" and he floats off, arms out stretched and one-leg up as a Christ-figure forced out an audible groan. Sure, in 1978 Puzzo purposely wrote Superman as a Christ figure. It fit for the time and a largely U.S. audience. But global audiences and Christianity plummeting, I'm comfortable if they not get to religious on us.

But Shannon made a well-played Zod. And I did enjoy watching the city get destroyed, but I suppose I could have gotten that from Transformers or so many other similar movies that I just go to see just for the eye candy.

Superman, being an American icon and having such a long history, deserved a better story.
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