movie in telling real
14 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'd like to share some of my own views as a native Chinese who's never been abroad.

In the movie, those three guys are graduated in the best university 'PKU Beijing University' in china. They are the real elite, however they can't find a decent job in US as the lack of vocational skills, so they have to work really hard to support themselves. Not all Chinese are cleaver for sure.

About the racism, the old teacher is just a symbol of old China. And I believe that Chinese poor student worker not been treated well happens everywhere more or less. It's due to the stereotype and the bad image of China. That's why they're so eager to change the figure in US. In this regard, you can say it's a bit racism.

The scene made me uncomfortable is they came back to the diner which is one used to work in, and said something about the lady who he had worked for. Business is not charity, they can't pay you for your ambition. And you can't lower others to heighten yourself.

Furthermore, the film is based on real story. There's a language school named 'new oriental school' in China, and the headmaster can really remember the whole dictionary, they did advertisement on lamp-post, had class in deserted factory. In the end of the movie, there're their picture along with some famous business men during the same period.

Nowadays however, study abroad is different than before for the wide gap between rich and poor. Those who born with a golden spoon can easily get a visa and find a school, where as others would be blocked while getting the visa.
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