Dinosaurs: Asylum Style
9 June 2013
The Land That Time Forgot (2009)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

The Asylum adapts the famous Edgar Rice Burroughs novel about a group of people who get stranded on an island and soon realize that they're not alone. As with the Burroughs story, there are dinosaurs on this island but an added touch are some Nazis who don't realize that WWII is over. If you've never seen the 1975 version of this then it's best that you start there and leave this one here alone. This film doesn't have too much in common with the previous film or even the Burroughs novel for that matter but instead it's just a cheap excuse for The Asylum to make some cash. While this version is without question a bad movie I'd stop from calling it a horrible one. C. Thomas Howell acts in the film but he also directed it and considering the budget he had to work with I think he did a fine job. I thought the film flowed a lot better than you'd expect and it certainly looks more professional than a lot of the stuff that the studio puts out. Timothy Bottoms also offers up a good performance and the rest of the cast are good enough. With that said, everything else is pretty much a waste but I do think a bigger budget could have helped things. It turns out that the various survivors got on the island after going through the Bermuda Triangle and this includes some U.S. and German soldiers from WWII. I found this here to be an interesting touch and it's really too bad more wasn't done with it. The CGI dinosaurs look incredibly bad and I think it's safe to say that the effects in the 1975 version are much better (even when they weren't that great to begin with). Fans of the novel or the previous film should probably just stay clear of this because there's really not much of a connection.
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