After Earth (2013)
I don't get the hatred
9 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The outpouring of hatred over this movie makes no sense. This week I had the opportunity to see four of the current big movies in the theatre and this was by far the best of them. The same petty arguments are being made by people that claim this is awful. Jaden Smith, M. Night, and even Will Smith. So I went in with very low expectations...I mean the film has a 4.7 rating right now which is atrocious. So thank you all for the meagre expectations because I thought the film was great. Not amazing, not life changing but great. Then again I have disagreed with the masses on an M. Night film before. I thought Lady In The Water was superbly brilliant. Then again this is also the guy that made The Happening, easily one of the worst films I've ever seen. Still I found this film to be entertaining, decently acted, very good special effects and a generally well made, well produced film. M. Night really is a brilliant story teller, we've seen it before with his successful movies (and in my opinion his less than successful ones.) Whether he hits or misses he tries very hard and I saw the fantastic imagination that went into this movie.

Will Smith has always been THEE personified movie star. Nearly every film he made was a huge hit. The guy has an undeniable incredible charisma and yes he has a big ego but somehow it works for him. In this film he is almost a supporting actor. He spends nearly the entire film laid up and on a com headset. Still he brings a certain intensity to the role and is certainly believable as a man who has learnt to eliminate fear. I'm nearly as sick about hearing how much people hate Jaden Smith as I am about people hating Justin Bieber. I don't understand the hatred for the kid. Yes he has an ego, just like his Dad but I think he's reasonably talented, he is still pretty young to really know if he has the acting chops that his Dad has. I thought he actually did a great job in this film. He didn't show the ego that he tends to have in person and him and his Dad worked very well together. Both roles were solid and carried the film just right. Jaden was a full on action/sci-fi hero and it worked and was believable and bravo to him for that.

Somewhere along the line M. Night Shyamalan became a joke and that's unfortunate. I don't really fully understand why he became such a joke. I mean, he has made a few horrendous stinker (The Happening) but he has also made some amazing films. I wouldn't put this into his amazing movies but I wouldn't put it anywhere near his stinkers. This was a great, entertaining, emotionally charged sci-fi flick and I enjoyed every minute of it. I admit I was caught into the M. Night hoopla and expected a twist ending but this one is just a straight forward mainstream adventure flick. One of the final scenes between father and son was near brilliant and almost brought tears to my eyes. The special effects were very well done and some of the monsters and beasts they created were epic in stature and should be looked at as being fun and well done. I guess I just don't understand the expectations people had from this. It seems that people have a real grudge against young entertainers like Jaden Smith but I am not one of them and I encourage you if you love sci-fi to watch this and simply enjoy it. 8/10
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