After Earth (2013)
Totally Underrated - Thank you Smiths - Haters gonna Hate
8 June 2013
i don't get it. critics give awful scores. users follow in kind. Now don't get me wrong this is no star trek or oblivion this is a more emotional story with sci fi dabbed in. I loved it. It was innovative and fresh. Oblivion was technically good but not fresh. Okay example.. the world is not made from huge metal towers or robotic machines and metal metal metal. It reminded me of (as Disney as it was) John Carter. Organic materials and substances and a twangy accent that sets them apart from 'us' as humans. Now im not to compare as this review is to the film itself. Pros: - fresh and innovative - 2 man father-son acting is nice - its not 10000000 soldiers dying - emotion is apparent - characters develop - stunning visuals - tense moments - dramatic scenes - grand dialogue

Cons: - how they arrive on earth is silly - it's 2 man, what do you expect - the ending is predictable but what, did you want your protagonist to fail.

(1 con imo)

I say congrats to the Smiths, i saw the father son connection, the acting was fantastic (for a seasoned and 14 year old) and i hope M. Night Shyamalan gets more credit for his much more offbeat work. Well done, even if nobody ever reads this im sorry the rest of the world is too numb to true work.
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