Appallingly Awful
8 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There is certainly a way to craft a 'Rapture' comedy. "Rapture-Palooza" is a broad attempt failing miserably in every measurable way. (The incredible Richard, Chris Matheson's writer-Dad, should bury his head in shame and disown this talentless son.)

Satan, if he appeared, would probably be profane. (Pacino's erotic take in "The Devil's Advocate" certainly is, but not to the exclusion of everything else.) This iteration, in the guise of Craig Robinson, merely spouts dialogue that's so far over the top it takes the viewer from the cinematic experience. The text is also light years from the Universe of funny. The sum effect is embarrassing. And that's how the wonderful Anna Kendricks (and everyone else) looks - embarrassed. (To be a fly on the wall in the meetings where she was convinced to star in this bomb-palooza.) At 28, she's also long of tooth to be portraying a teen, but she does admirably sleepwalk through this role.

There are many notable comedy character actors afoot in this minefield of awfulness. They were directed beyond any pale of restraint to yell their expletive-laced lines and, 1) view scenery, 2) chew thoroughly.

The few mildly funny elements - crows cawing expletive-filled torments at those left on Earth after the Rapture and the nasty, pot smoking wraiths - are not lifesaver enough to save this excrement from a trip to the sewer.

The story is simple enough: Rapture; Kendricks and boyfriend are left behind; the biblical plagues and the Anti-Christ follow; Anti falls in love with Kendricks and picks her to bear his children; boyfriend leads assault to get her back; poolside battle between God and Satan. Ken Jeong, Mr. Chow of "The Hangover(s)," is the deity. Mr. Jeong is inherently funny; an attribute entirely drained from him here.

Forewarned is forearmed. Simply meant to upstage "This Is The End," (also featuring Robinson) there should not be any expectation of entertainment value or a laugh to be milked from viewing the nasty and mean-spirited "Rapture-Palooza." The failure is not in the concept, it's in an unfunny script solely using consistently gross humor as the grease to move a poorly directed tale. During this Rapture pray you're one of the lucky ones who leaves to meet the Lord in the air.
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