Much Better Than Expected!
31 May 2013
I found out about this movie in Fangoria Magazine and even though "The Video Eye of Dr. Cyclops" only gave this movie 1 1/2 "eyeballs" out of 5, I saw it on Netflix and decided to give it a try because it was a brand new take on the Frankenstein story. I figured it would be too "Blair Witch" for me but jumped in anyway and AM SO GLAD I DID. While it does have that "lets make a documentary" essence that made "Blair Witch" a blockbuster (spurning a whole lot of similar movies that sucked)and which now the "Paranormal Activity" movies have brought back to life, I was instantly captured from the first sentence. I was particularly taken by the intelligence of this film. The character of Dr. Jonathan Venkenhein (which is very reminiscent of how "Frankenstein" sounds) starts right out by telling the camera that it was HIS family that created the monster and that he believes it is still alive and wants to go on an expedition to find it. This film is not for you if you're looking for lots of gore, but in this case I think less is more. Jonathan has researched his family archives and put together theories his entire life that convinced me in the first 5 minutes of the film that I was all in and would have gone with him in a second. While the info he gives in the beginning is rather abundant and (more importantly) believable, he continues to divulge more information as the expedition goes on keeping it interesting. I highly recommend it!
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