Nora Prentiss (1947)
Doctor falls for night club singer
30 May 2013
A well-respected and well-off San Francisco doctor basically gives it all up for a doomed fling with a night club singer. Kent Smith as the doctor gives a decent performance with some high points in it, but the script doesn't really afford Ann Sheridan as the singer too many opportunities. For such a supposedly torrid romance, this one seems to avoid any hint of heat or passion. Nonetheless, Smith gets better as his character's social and professional standing deteriorates. Rosemary DeCamp's part as Smith's wife isn't too badly scripted, with a great scene of her at her teenage daughter's sixteenth birthday party which Smith had forgotten about due to his muted lusting after Sheridan. The film has a neat twist in it for an ending, which doesn't quite rescue it from its overall tepidness. The fact that James Wong Howe was the cinematographer is at least one compelling reason to watch this movie.
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