Antiviral (2012)
26 May 2013
Sci Fiction, Horror ? Thriller? None of the above LOL Hollywood needs another Genre - BORING!!!

"Antiviral" is interesting for the first 5 or 6 minutes before it digresses into a slough. Boredom is the death of any movie, and this one will bore you to tears.

'Antiviral' presents us with a celebrity obsessed near future. In order to make a connection with their favorite celebs, members of the public can pay to be infected with diseased cells extracted directly from the stars. Syd (Landry Jones) works for a clinic which facilitates this process, infecting his customers with the latest afflictions of their idols. To make some money on the side, Syd secretly injects himself with these cells before extracting them from his body and trading them on the black market. When he is sent to take a sample from the current celeb- du-jour, Hannah Geist (Gadon), he injects some of the cells into himself before returning to the clinic where he suddenly becomes seriously unwell and has to excuse himself. When he wakes the next morning he discovers Geist has passed away from the disease. As Syd searches for answers to prevent his own imminent death, he uncovers a far-reaching conspiracy.

If you like wasting your time, this might be the movie for you .... yes warning you now before it's too late!

Thanks for your patience

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